“I need to know all the law first!”
What were those three years of law school for? Never mind.
There’s this strange concern in the atmosphere floating around.
A concern that if you don’t know it all, then you won’t be prepared to solve the problems… The thought that all you need to do well on the bar exam is to know it all…
So you sit there, fold your arms, and wait for osmosis. You wait. Maybe your soulmate will one day knock on your door, too.
And then when you finally flip open that essay after weeks of becoming a know-it-all…
You stare at the blank page.
In front of you, a blank canvas ready to be filled but only reflecting a harsh stillness.
The cursor blinks at you, urging you to fill the awkward silence.
Cold sweat squeezes out of pores you didn’t even realize you had on your body. 😓
You decide to hit the books and videos again. Maybe you just need to study a little more…
You’re mostly grasping the material, but then when you take a practice exam it’s like everything you know is out the window.
WTF? Why didn’t it work?
Continue reading “Two Biggest Fears of a Bar Exam Taker”